Information to the Market – COVID-19

The following is a Company Announcement issued by Trident Estates plc (the “Company”) pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Listing Rules as issued by the Listing Authority in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Markets Act (Chapter 345 of the Laws of Malta) as they may be amended from time to time.

Information to the Market – COVID-19


The Board of Directors of Trident Estates plc wishes to inform its shareholders that it is monitoring the developments of COVID-19 and assessing the potential impact on the operations of the Trident Group.

At this time the Trident Park development project is progressing in line with the projected timelines, which would allow for the Company to welcome its first tenants in the first quarter of 2021.  The project’s unimpeded progress is however contingent on any measures that may be announced by government, how long these remain in force, and how such measures will directly or indirectly impact the Company’s operations, the availability of resources (both in terms of construction materials and workforce), as well as the performance of the Group’s contractors and suppliers.

The high level of uncertainty as to the extent and duration of the pandemic and the response forthcoming from the government in efforts to combat the resulting threat means that it is not possible to accurately assess at this time the potential impact on the project and on the revenues and profitability of the Group.

The Trident Group is committed to safeguarding the health and safety of all our stakeholders. Consequently, the Company is taking the necessary measures to follow the ongoing public announcements and will implement all recommendations issued by the local health authorities.

The Board will continue to monitor developments and will issue further announcements as necessary.
